Assessment and Statutory Tests

At Lambs Lane, we believe that assessment is essential for celebrating children’s achievements and ensuring they become reflective learners. It is used to record performance and provide effective feedback to pupils, parents and staff. Using assessment, we hope to actively involve all pupils in their learning and help them to identify areas that they could develop.


Assessment in Foundation Stage

At Lambs Lane, the children are assessed in the first term to create an initial baseline assessment. Progress is then measured against this throughout the year. The children’s learning journey is monitored using the Early Learning Goals and recorded on our assessment system. Throughout the year, photos and comments are collected for each individual child to show evidence of their learning.


Year One Phonics

All children in Year One will be required to participate in a phonics check which will take place towards the end of the year. This will assess their understanding of the phonics learning that they have done throughout the year. Parents will be informed of their result.

Click here for further information on the Phonics check: Year 1 Phonics



In Year Two, the children sit a statutory SATs test which is used to inform the class teacher’s final assessment of each individual child. Year Six also sit statutory SATs tests in Reading, Maths and Spelling and Grammar. The final KS2 assessment will be taken from these test results. Writing judgements will be made from teacher assessments and external moderation of the children’s books.

Click here for further information on Year 2 SATS and Year 6 SATS


Year 4 Multiplication Check

The multiplication check is an online test of 25 times tables which the Year 4 children will sit in June. Please support your children with practicing their tables at home as practice in school will not be enough to ensure that they retain the number facts and have a good level of multiplication fluency.

Information leaflet about the Multiplication check

Please click on the link below for useful links on the Oxford Owl website to help your child at home:


Marking and assessment

Teachers provide feedback to children through marking so that positive aspects are highlighted and that they have next steps that will help them improve what they have done. Children are given time to read and review the feedback from their work. After most pieces of work, children are encouraged to use symbols to show their understanding of the learning objective, the effort they feel they have put in and the support they received. All teachers provide the students with opportunities to review their own and peers learning.

Lambs Lane Marking System Codes

Teachers use the evidence collected in books throughout the year as well as formative assessments (test material) to create a judgement on each individual child’s performance. This is done every half term and recorded on the school assessment system. Each half term, this data is reviewed to form a picture of whole school progress, class progress and individual pupil progress. Class teachers and the Senior Leadership Team then use this to identify targets and next steps for each child to move them on in their learning.

In December and at the end of each year, parents will be given a report detailing progress and attainment across the curriculum. This report will be based on both the teacher’s assessments and the tests conducted throughout the year. Parents/ Carers are encouraged to provide feedback from these reports. As well as this, parent consultations are held at the Beginning of Term 2 and 4 to discuss the progress their child is making.

Assessment Recording and Reporting Policy